Yes, you will receive the same product that you see in the picture. This is because the seller uses actual photos of the exact product that they will be shipping to you. They take care to ensure that the photos accurately represent the product in terms of its appearance, features, and specifications. You can be confident that the product you receive will match the image shown and meet your expectations.
You can view your sales receipt in your account dashboard or by checking your email. After making a purchase, the seller should send you a receipt via email that includes the details of your transaction, such as the item purchased, the price, and any applicable taxes or fees. You can also log in to your account on the seller's website and navigate to your order history to view and print your receipt. If you cannot find your sales receipt, you may contact our customer service team for assistance.
Review first our Return Policy. If you are eligible for a return, contact us to initiate the return process. This may involve filling out a form or providing information about the item and the reason for the return.
It depends on the availability of the materials being used for a certain product. But we always update our inventory once we have stocks coming in from our manufacturing center.